Essentially, there are three elements to the governance of the TSAT academies; local governance which is delivered via the Academy Governing Board (AGB), a Regional Review and Assurance Board (RAB) which ensures local governance is effective, and the Thinking Schools Academy Trust Board of Directors.
There is an Academy Governing Board for each school (or small cluster of schools) which consists of a group 8-11 governors made up of the Headteacher, Parents, Staff, Trust link staff and Community members who are appointed with the skills needed to fulfil the responsibilities of the AGB. Governors are elected for a term of 4 years and meet a minimum of 6 times a year.
The key responsibilities of the Academy Governing Body are to:
The AGB Members for Lodestar Academy are:
Name | Type of Governor | Link role | Start of Term | Length of Term | End of term | Business Interest | Appointed by |
Roger Carlton | Chair of Governors |
| 27/01/2025 | 4 Years | Board of Directors | ||
Genna Greco | Staff | Recruitment, Diversity, Workload & Wellbeing | 14/01/2025 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Julie Chubb | Staff | Risk & Compliance | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Keith Hayes | Community | Pupil Premium | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Ben Williams | Staff | SEND & Equality | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Laura Guihen | Parent | STEM, Careers & Digital | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Jessica Scammell | Community | Pupil & Parental Engagement, Marketing & Comms | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Susan Clarke | Community | Safeguarding & Mental Health | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors | |
Caroline Thompson | Community | Curriculum & Enrichment | 01/09/2024 | 4 Years |
| Board of Directors |
To explore Governor vacancies available within the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, please visit our recruitment website or email
Governing board meetings attendance during academic year 2024/25
Name | Meetings Attended | Out of a Possible |
Roger Carlton |
| 4 |
Genna Greco |
| 4 |
Julie Chubb |
| 6 |
Keith Hayes |
| 6 |
Ben Williams |
| 6 |
Laura Guihen |
| 6 |
Jessica Hunter |
| 6 |
Susan Clarke |
| 6 |
Caroline Thompson |
| 6 |
More information about the AGB and governance across the Thinking School Academy Trust can be found at:
If you would like to join our governing body, or contact us about any concerns or issues, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body via the school:
Clerk to the Governing Body
Lodestar Academy
South Parks Road
The Torbay Regional Governing Body governs The Lodestar Academy, for information on the role of the RGB, members and minutes from meetings please follow the link here
For information on the role of the Board of Directors, members and minutes please follow the link here